According to the press service, the necessary legislative conditions have been created for democratic development, protection of human rights and strengthening the rule of law.
In particular:
Key reforms
Democratic participation:
Human rights mechanisms:
Human rights and the rule of law:
In particular:
- The broad participation of citizens of Kazakhstan in the political decision-making process has been ensured within the framework of the implementation of the principles of the concept of a "hearing state";
- A balanced system of political governance has been established, and the principles of Government accountability and greater transparency have been introduced. The goal is to ensure the irreversibility of the initiated processes of political transformation of the country and the construction of a "Just Kazakhstan".
Key reforms
Democratic participation:
- The presidential reform consolidated in the legislation the provision on a single seven-year term for the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - without the right to re-election, which allowed strengthening the principles of democracy in Kazakhstan.
- Constitutional reforms aimed at eliminating super-presidential powers have been implemented. Presidential powers are limited in relation to local executive bodies and the "presidential quota" in the Senate has been reduced.
- The threshold for registration of official political parties has been reduced fourfold – from 20,000 to 5,000. The registration rules have been simplified.
- This liberalization of national legislation has led to the registration of new political parties – "Baitak" and "Republic". The latter won the parliamentary elections together with such recognized parties as Amanat, Ak Zhol, Auyl, the National Social Democratic Party and the People's Party of Kazakhstan in March 2023.
- The powers of the Mazhilis have been significantly expanded. According to the new electoral model, the elections were held according to party lists and single-mandate constituencies. As a result of the elections in March 2023, six parties entered Parliament, three of which received parliamentary mandates for the first time, while one of the parliamentary parties is an opposition one.
- The 2022-2023 elections made it possible to ensure political competition in Kazakhstan by implementing a new election regulation system that meets the OSCE requirements.
- A quota has been introduced for women, youth and persons with special needs in electoral party lists and in the allocation of parliamentary mandates.
- For the first time in the history of Kazakhstan, elections of akims of the district and city levels were held, which led to the renewal of about 60% of the leadership at the level of rural districts.
- The powers of local authorities have also been expanded through the transformation of regional financing and the creation of new regions in Abai, Ulytau and Zhetysu. Local government was transferred to local authorities.
- A Presidential youth Reserve has been created. Young specialists who have passed several stages of selection are given the opportunity to take senior positions in the civil service.
- The National Council of Public Trust was transformed into the National Kurultai in order to stimulate public participation in management and decision-making processes that determine the ideological and cultural parameters of the future development of Kazakhstan.
Human rights mechanisms:
- The reforms have strengthened the human rights protection system. Legislative amendments have been adopted aimed at strengthening the independence of the courts. The categories of cases for jury trials have been expanded.
- Kazakhstan has strengthened the role of national mechanisms for the protection of human rights. The institution of the Human Rights Ombudsman is fully functioning in the country. This institution has received a constitutional status. Kazakhstan has also appointed Ombudsmen for Human and Child Rights, an Ombudsman for people with special Needs.
- The Constitutional Court has been recreated as the most important mechanism for the protection of rights and freedoms, where citizens of Kazakhstan can directly apply.
- The Constitutional Court is the supreme body of constitutional control, ensuring the supremacy of the Constitution. The decisions of the Constitutional Court are final, even the President cannot revise its decisions, including those concerning the constitutional rights of citizens.
- Any amendments and additions to the Constitution may be submitted to a national referendum or for consideration by Parliament only if there is a corresponding opinion of the Constitutional Court.
- Of the eleven judges of the Constitutional Court, six, that is, the majority, are appointed by the Houses of Parliament. And the Chairman, although appointed by the President, but only with the consent of the Senate.
- A law has been adopted regulating the procedure for filing and reviewing petitions, which allows citizens to express their opinions by submitting online requests. This practice ensures open and transparent monitoring of Government activities.
Human rights and the rule of law:
- The Social Code has been adopted. The document is aimed at comprehensive support for vulnerable categories of citizens. A special payment has been approved for people employed in dangerous working conditions.
- The Presidential Decree "On the Action Plan in the field of human rights and the rule of law" was signed in full compliance with Kazakhstan's international obligations.
- Kazakhstan abolished the death penalty and transferred civil functions from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Health to ensure the protection of convicts' rights to health protection. Kazakhstan has ratified the UN Optional Protocols on the Rights of Children and Persons with Disabilities.
- Criminal liability for torture has been tightened, the National Preventive Mechanism against Torture has been strengthened, and a legislative definition of torture and ill-treatment has been introduced.
- Administrative and criminal liability for domestic violence has been significantly strengthened. The possibility of re-reconciliation of the parties in such cases is legally excluded.
- A law has been passed regulating deductions to children from the National Fund.
- A new law on rallies has been adopted, where a notification procedure has been introduced instead of a permissive one, as a result of which the number of peaceful rallies in Kazakhstan has increased many times.
- The Media Law has been reformed in order to create a more secure digital space.