
Plenary Session 6. Rule of Law.

U. Suleimen

Major reforms have been carried out to strengthen the independence of judges.

All personnel issues have been transferred to the High Judicial Council. Among the latest changes, the Academy of Justice has been transferred from the Supreme Court to the High Judicial Council.

The issues of punishment of judges also do not depend on the leadership of the courts. All violations of the rule of law are immediately transferred to the High Judicial Council.

Thus, judges do not depend on the leadership in matters of career and responsibility.

A new system of financing the courts has been introduced. The judiciary is assigned its own percentage in the budget, which cannot be reduced. Financial independence is very important for quality justice.

On “political” prisoners

Often, individuals who have committed ordinary crimes try to escape punishment by giving their deeds a political coloring and making themselves look like victims of the regime.

But in fact, they are ordinary criminals.

For example, Ashirbekov, who they try to make look like a political prisoner, raped a woman in the passenger compartment of his car.

Yelshibaev, motivated by jealousy for his wife, stabbed the victim in the chest, from which he died (the victim had a wife, 2 children and parents).

Before the end of the sentence, the court replaced the rest of the imprisonment with a fine.

Yelshibaev did not appreciate the humanism shown to him, and having returned to freedom, he again committed 2 thefts (23.04.17 and 25.12.18) and car theft (27.06.18). These criminal cases were terminated for reconciliation with the victims.

Elshibayev did not draw conclusions for himself and in the course of drinking alcohol together struck a drinking companion in the eye with a shard of a bottle, from which he became blind and disabled group 2. These bodily injuries are classified as serious.

For this he was sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment. Where's the politics in that?

Utepov by means of fraud took possession of money of one woman in the amount of 1 million 150 thousand tenge, and a man - in the amount of 2 million tenge. He incited the woman to bribe officials.

Abzhan extorted 50 million tenge from the victim for non-dissemination of disgraceful information.

Altayev received monthly bribes of $5,000 each, totaling $136,000 (50,123,400 Tenge).

Amirov promoted the ideologies of the banned religious organization Muslim Brotherhood Association.

Mendygaziev, as part of an organized criminal group, evaded tax.

Zhylanbaev, Danebaev, Muhammedkarim for participation in a court-banned party (DVK) with the aim of violently changing the constitutional order of the country and seizing power.

Mamai, Tleuzhan for organizing and participating in mass riots.

Where is the politics here? All convicted persons were provided with a fair trial.

By the verdict of the Specialized Interdistrict Court of Astana (24.04.23) Masimov K.K. was convicted under Articles 175 part 1 (state treason), 179 part 3 (forcible seizure of power), 362 part 4 of the Criminal Code (abuse of power), Article 58 part 1, 3 of the Criminal Code to 18 years of imprisonment.

On appeal of the court of Almaty (16.06.23y.) the sentence was changed in terms of changing the regime of the institution (from maximum security to medium security).