
78% of Kazakhstanis supported tougher penalties for domestic violence.

The study examined public opinion on domestic violence and measures to prevent it, as well as the level of support from the parties in the case of former Minister of National Economy Kuandyk Bishimbayev.
The survey was conducted from 08 to 15 May 2024 during the trial period, before the verdict was announced.

45.1% of Kazakhstanis consider a life sentence to be a fair punishment for Bishimbayev. For imprisonment for 15-20 years – 19.4% of respondents, 9.5% supported a term of 10-15 years, and 1.4% – for probation and a fine.

More than half of Kazakhstanis (52.5%) watched the trial in total. It is characteristic that the majority of Kazakhstanis (61.5%) expressed approval of the fact of the live broadcast and wide media coverage of this trial.

According to the survey, the majority of respondents (65.8%) are convinced that the physical violence of a husband against his wife can never be justified. At the same time, a total of 27.7% of respondents with varying degrees of confidence believe that violence against women in some cases can be justified.

The study showed that 70.8% of citizens consider the problem of domestic violence to be relevant, of which 40.5% are extremely relevant and 30.3% are rather relevant.

In response to the public outcry caused by the murder of Saltanat Nukenova, President Tokayev signed amendments to legislation toughening penalties for violence against women and children.

During the survey, Kazakhstanis were asked if they supported the new amendments. The overwhelming majority of citizens (78.5%) expressed support for the adopted standards. 8.8% were against it, 3.4% expressed a neutral attitude. And 6.3% do not know anything about this law.

In a telephone survey by the bureau of express monitoring of public opinion DEMOSCOPE, 1,100 people were interviewed in 17 regions and cities of national importance from 08 to 15 May 2024. The maximum margin of error with a 95% probability does not exceed 3%.