
The President is always with the people!

On June 12, 2024, it will be five years since the inauguration of the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. I must say right away that they fell to the lot of the Head of State difficult, not even that difficult, but really critical, moreover requiring tremendous efforts, willpower and dedication to our country and our people. Whether it's a terrible coronavirus comparable to biological warfare, or dual power, or Kantar, or international unpredictability and its new challenges and threats, or an unprecedented transformation of power and the implementation of large-scale democratic reforms and a positive outlook for the future. It takes a very long time to list the huge amount of work that has been done, which affects the life of an ordinary person, but some should be noted. For example, what socially significant, large-scale and important initiatives and reforms were implemented, how the instructions of the Head of State for 2019-2024 were fulfilled. It's easy to list them now, all the positive things that were done, but then it was not so easy, given the resistance to reforms by representatives of the old political regime. First of all, the society was waiting for political reforms. And they gradually began.

The President began his activity by improving political institutions. The institution of parliamentary opposition was introduced by law. In order to increase political competition and expand freedom of choice, amendments have been made to the relevant legislation to reduce the threshold for passing political parties from 7% to 5% and include the "Against all" column in the ballots. Important human rights amendments to the laws on elections and political parties were adopted, which established a quota for women, youth and persons with disabilities in electoral party lists, which was in line with international human rights covenants. Then a law was signed regulating the procedure for organizing and holding peaceful assemblies. The law provided for a notification procedure for holding meetings.

And already in 2022, measures were taken to ensure a comprehensive transformation of the entire state model with fundamental political reforms. The amendments and additions to the Constitution made following the results of the republican referendum (77.1% of citizens voted for their adoption) were aimed at further democratization, redistribution of a number of powers, including strengthening the role and raising the status of Parliament. In accordance with the requirements of the new mixed proportional-majority system, early elections to the Mazhilis of Parliament were held in 2023, where 6 political parties and independent "single-mandate candidates" came. And now we can objectively say that the Mazhilis, headed by Yerlan Koshanov, has actually become that influential institution that reflects the interests of society and adopts high-quality laws. Moreover, such an important institution under the Mazhilis as the Public Chamber has been created.

A number of novelties have been adopted that expand the participation of the population in government. As a result, a number of powers of the President were excluded, and a time limit was set for his election. The Constitution stipulates a ban on the presence of the Head of State, the Chairman and judges of the Constitutional Court, the chairmen and members of the Central Election Commission and the Supreme Audit Chamber in political parties during the term of office. This made it possible to ensure the equidistance and independence of these subjects from political parties in their activities.

The democratization of the process of appointing mayors of the regions continued with the introduction of mandatory alternativeness of candidates and the approval of a new procedure for their approval by maslikhats.

One of the key reforms in the process of political modernization and democratization of society was the introduction of the institute of electability of rural akims. Also in 2023, direct elections of mayors of districts and cities of regional significance, as well as elections to maslikhats under the new electoral system, were held. In accordance with the Address of the Head of State dated September 1, 2023 "The Economic Course of a Fair Kazakhstan", pilot elections of 45 mayors of districts and cities of regional significance were held. In accordance with the Constitutional Law "On Elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan", starting from 2025, elections of akims of districts and cities of regional significance will be held on an ongoing basis in Kazakhstan.

According to the decision of the first meeting of the National Kurultai, the status of a national holiday was returned to the Republic Day on October 25.
Tokayev met with flood victims in the West Kazakhstan region

The land issue was important. Therefore, amendments were made to article 6 of the Constitution, according to which the land and its subsoil, waters, flora and fauna, and other natural resources belong to the people. This provided an opportunity to take a fresh look at new social relations, the need for a fair solution to property, and the return of illegal assets to the state. And it was an important response to public inquiries.

Improving the system of public administration and the state apparatus was one of the main priorities of the Head of State. The President has always focused his attention on the importance of reforms in the legal sphere, especially judicial and legal. The principles of the rule of law, human rights and the improvement of legal institutions are the slogan of today. Law and order should be the main thing in a democratic state, as everywhere in the civilized world. The judicial system of power has been significantly reformed, including elements of electability of certain categories of judges and the role of the court of appeal in making a decision on the merits has been strengthened. A law is being passed on the creation of continuous cassation courts, which will radically change the way the judiciary works.

In connection with the introduction of administrative justice, specialized (inter-district) administrative courts have been established in all regions. Over the past 5 years, the judicial system has implemented a set of measures aimed at improving the protection of citizens' rights, strengthening the independence of judges for the impartial administration of justice. In particular, a new Administrative Procedural Code has been put into effect, aimed at protecting the rights of citizens in the public legal sphere. In a short period of three years, administrative justice has shown its relevance.

The constitutional status of such human rights institutions as the Prosecutor's Office and the Commissioner for Human Rights has been strengthened. A new body, the Constitutional Court, has been created. Now every citizen has the right to defend their constitutional rights and freedoms in the Constitutional Court. In addition, the Prosecutor General and the Commissioner for Human Rights have the right to appeal to the Constitutional Court. These are those who most often face various violations of the constitutional rights of citizens and may raise the question of compliance of normative legal acts with the Constitution. The Accounts Committee for Control over the Execution of the Republican Budget has been transformed into the Supreme Audit Chamber.

The Decree "On measures to de-bureaucratize the activities of the state apparatus" was adopted. A set of measures has been implemented to de-bureaucratize the activities of the state apparatus, including the transfer of about 470 Government functions to the level of central government bodies and a reduction in reporting.

The institution of human rights protection has been strengthened. The Law "On the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan" has been adopted. Prior to that, contrary to the UN Paris Principles, it was regulated by a by-law and did not comply with international standards in terms of competence. It was the Head of State who gave an impetus to the development of the Ombudsman institution in our country, giving it a constitutional status.

The adoption of the Decree "On further measures of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of human rights" was extremely important. The Government has approved a plan of priority measures in the field of human rights, including on freedom of expression, criminal justice, elimination of discrimination against women and others. In order to promote the rights and opportunities of women in society, appropriate changes have been made to the Concept of Family and Gender Policy. A Roadmap for 2021-2022 has been adopted to gradually increase the proportion of women to 30% in the management bodies of companies with state participation. A number of international obligations have been fulfilled in the field of human rights protection and the development of democracy, including the abolition of the death penalty without reservations and the list of professions prohibited for women, the introduction of UN standards in assessing the presence of torture, the transfer of medical support for convicts from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Health.

The Government has adopted an action plan for the prevention, prevention and combating of crimes related to human trafficking. An important bill was passed in the Mazhilis, of which I was the head of the working group, which was submitted to the Senate. He took into account all the recommendations of the UN (Palermo Principles), the OSCE, and the International Organization for Migration. The need to adopt this relevant human rights law was indicated by the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at a meeting of the National Council of Public Trust.

Regarding the sphere of international cooperation, the participation of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in the annual sessions of the UN General Assembly demonstrates the absolute support of the UN leadership for the foreign policy initiatives of the Head of State, as well as democratic transformations in our country.

In 2021, during the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, Kazakhstan was elected a member of the UN Human Rights Council for 2022-2024, which is recognition of its role as an active and responsible participant in the process of promoting international norms and standards in the field of human rights and freedoms.

An important achievement was the adoption, on the initiative of Kazakhstan, of the first resolution of the Central Asian countries in the HRC "Ensuring quality education in the spirit of peace and tolerance for all children". This document was adopted by a unanimous decision of the HRC on October 11, 2023 during the September session of the HRC, and 114 States co-sponsored it. 126 countries have joined it.

During the 74th session of the UN General Assembly in September 2019, the Head of State put forward an initiative to create a UN Regional Center for the SDGs for Central Asia and Afghanistan.

During the 75th session of the UN General Assembly in September 2020, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev put forward an initiative to establish the International Agency for Biological Safety (IABB) on the basis of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons (BTWC).

Regarding the improvement of the civil service and personnel policy, the responsibility of the management of a state body for committing a corruption crime by subordinates is legally established. A number of legislative measures have been adopted to tighten responsibility for corruption crimes, including the abolition of parole, the introduction of a lifetime ban on working in the quasi-public sector, as well as restrictions on the ownership of accounts in foreign banks by government employees. In order to increase the responsibility of civil servants, the procedure for conducting their assessment has been changed, a new Code of Ethics has been adopted and the powers of the Ethics Commission of the authorized body have been expanded.

The selection of the Presidential Youth Personnel Reserve and their employment is carried out on an annual basis. A total of 271 reservists (67.7%) have been appointed to responsible positions, including 34 for political ones. A regional personnel reserve has been introduced for local executive bodies, the selection of which began on March 1, 2023. It is determined that persons who have shown high results at the final stage of selection for the Presidential Youth Personnel Reserve can be enrolled in it.
Tokayev met with flood victims in the West Kazakhstan region

The President paid special attention to ensuring security and law and order. Criminal penalties for serious crimes against the person (sexual violence, pedophilia, drug distribution, human trafficking, against state inspectors for the protection of wildlife) have been strengthened. Responsibility has been increased for murders and banditry committed with particular cynicism, as well as for calls for mass riots, including using the media or telecommunications networks. Regulation in the sphere of arms trafficking has been strengthened at the legislative level. The thresholds for bringing entrepreneurs to criminal responsibility for tax offenses have been revised. Article 130 "Defamation" has been decriminalizedThe Criminal Code, which led to the abolition of criminal liability for this type of violation. And there are many more important changes in this area.

Countering domestic violence has been an important area of the State's human rights activities. On April 15, 2024, the Law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on ensuring women's rights and child safety" was signed, which is aimed at tightening responsibility for any manifestations of violence against women and children, strengthening the institution of the family and ensuring the safety of minors. The law criminalizes intentional infliction of minor harm to health and beatings. In order to establish an adequate and proportionate punishment for persons who have committed such extremely dangerous and socially resonant crimes as the murder of a minor, rape of a minor, and sexual violence against a minor, the most severe punishment has been established in the form of life imprisonment.

Criminal liability has been introduced for inducement and assistance in committing suicide, previously liability was provided only for driving to suicide. At the same time, for these acts committed against a minor, imprisonment from 5 to 9 years is provided.

In addition, taking into account the influence of communication networks on the younger generation, criminal liability for suicide propaganda has been introduced. Penalties for kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment of a minor have been significantly tightened.

Following the consideration at the meeting of the Security Council of the urgent problems of gambling addiction of the population, the implementation of a set of legislative and other measures to prevent the further development of ludomania has begun. There is a restriction on visiting gambling establishments for civil servants, military personnel and law enforcement officers.

A three-tier model of the criminal process is being gradually introduced, with the provision of prosecutors with the authority to coordinate key procedural decisions. As part of the implementation of the reform of the law enforcement system, a service model of work has been introduced. The status of a district inspector has been raised by law.

The implementation of the concept of the "hearing State" is reflected in the Administrative Procedural Code adopted for the first time, aimed at the introduction and functioning of effective mechanisms for protecting citizens' rights in public law disputes, as well as the establishment of guarantees allowing citizens to participate in the decision-making process by authorities.

The Law "On Public Control" has been adopted, aimed at increasing the openness and accountability of public authorities, as well as stimulating civic engagement. A single legitimate institution of online petitions has been created to initiate reforms and proposals by citizens.

The creation of permanent public and online reception rooms in central and local government agencies has been completed, funds are provided in local budgets for the implementation of residents' proposals for the project "Budget of Popular Participation".

The E-Otinish IC has been put into commercial operation with the connection of more than 50 thousand organizations and institutionalization as a "single window" for receiving all types of applications. The growing activity of applicants is evidence of the special trust of citizens in the Head of State, an indicator of the real need of citizens to be heard.

A new format of meetings of regional akims and heads of central executive bodies with the population has been introduced, aimed generally at improving communication with the transition from monologue to dialogue.

In addition, in order to implement the principles of transparency and openness of the activities of the legislative body, the meetings of the chambers of Parliament were broadcast live on state TV channels. And the people see and hear with their own eyes that the Parliament is becoming a real institution of democracy, an important institution of constitutional and legal reforms of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

One of the illustrative examples of the implementation of the concept of a "hearing state" was the President's decision to ban the construction of the Kokzhailau project, which caused objections and discontent among the general public. An official online petition platform has been launched since April 2024 .

In 2022, in continuation of the work of the National Council of Public Trust under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it was decided to create a National Kurultai. To date, three meetings of the National Kurultai have been held, at the site of which the Head of State identified key values in society as Adal Azamat, Adal Adam, Adal enbek, Adal Tabys, which should become a pillar on the path of the idea of building a Just Kazakhstan.

As for social policy, the development of the labor market, human capital and social protection of the population are the main priorities of State policy. The new social policy announced by the Head of State is reflected in the Social Code, which entered into force on July 1, 2023. Since January 1, 2023, a Digital family Card has been launched in Kazakhstan, which makes it possible to appoint state support measures without applications from citizens or in a proactive format.

The Company supported the fact that from January 1, 2021, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan were granted the right to withdraw part of their pension savings for the purpose of improving housing conditions, paying for expensive treatment or transferring it to private management companies. Since July 1, 2023, seniority pensioners with pension savings in the UAPF have been granted the right to use the entire amount of their pension savings to improve housing conditions or pay for treatment before retirement age. In the implementation of the instruction of the Head of State, given in September 2023 in the Address to the People of Kazakhstan, from January 1, 2024, a special social payment was introduced for workers employed in harmful working conditions.

In order to protect children's rights, legislative measures were introduced in 2022 to protect minors from bullying, including countering illegal content on the Internet. Roadmaps have been adopted to prevent children's dependence on gambling and computer games (ludomania), to prevent the use of electronic cigarettes/vapes among schoolchildren and young people, to ensure the information security of children "Children – Internet – media security".

The year 2022 in Kazakhstan was held under the auspices of the Year of Children. In 2023, a comprehensive plan was adopted to protect children from violence, prevent suicide and ensure their rights and well-being for 2023-2025. In 2023, 100% of educational institutions will be equipped with security systems, including the connection of video surveillance cameras to the Central control Center, the presence of an alarm button and licensed security, the installation of turnstiles. The National Fund for Children project has been launched, under which 50% of the investment income of the National Fund will be distributed among all children. Upon reaching the age of majority, the funds can be used for education or the purchase of housing. A unified voluntary funded system "Keleshek" has been introduced, providing for start-up educational capital from the state, annual payment of a state premium, investment income, covering children from the age of five. 2020 in Kazakhstan was held under the auspices of the Year of the Volunteer. In 2023, the first International Volunteer Forum was held with the participation of the Head of State.
The Head of State visited an evacuation center

In the field of education development, the Law "On the status of a teacher" was adopted in 2019, the most important norms of which were: an increase in teachers' salaries, the release of teachers from unusual functions and checks, an increase in the social status of teachers, and a reduction in the academic load. The salary of school teachers has doubled compared to 2019 (taking into account an increase of 25% from January 2023). The national project "Comfortable School" is being implemented, aimed at solving the problems of emergency schools and the shortage of student places. In 2024-2025, 369 schools with 740 thousand student places will be built within the framework of the Comfortable School project. In 2023, the construction of 217 schools for 461 thousand students began with commissioning by the end of 2024. Since 2021, more than 3 thousand rural schools have been modernized, 65% of schools are provided with high-speed Internet.

Domestic science is supported. The Concept of science development for the next five years has been approved. In 2023, the status of the National Academy of Sciences was upgraded, and the National Council for Science and Technology under the President was established. To support scientists, starting this year, additional payments for academic titles to teachers, as well as researchers engaged in research and development work, have been legally established.

Rural healthcare has been modernized. On behalf of the President, the national project "Modernization of rural healthcare" was approved, aimed at providing villages with medical infrastructure. During the period 2019-2023, 558 healthcare facilities were built.

The staffing of the healthcare system has been strengthened. Thanks to the support of the country's leadership and taking into account the introduction of the compulsory social health insurance system, the ongoing work on the development of high-tech medical services, rural medicine, and the infrastructure of health facilities, the main health indicators have improved compared to 2019. Thus, total mortality decreased by 9%; infant mortality – by 8.45%, maternal mortality – by 16.8%, from diseases of the circulatory system – by 11.9%, from malignant neoplasms – by 15.3%, from tuberculosis – by 40%. The life expectancy of Kazakhstanis in 2023 was 75.09 years compared to 73.2 years in 2019.
The return of illegal assets to the state is extremely important, therefore, the Law "On the Return of illegally acquired assets to the State" was adopted. The law on the return of assets to the state was adopted on July 12, 2023, in implementation of the instructions of the Head of State. Its main goal is to ensure social justice and sustainable economic and social development of the country. He defined the legal basis for the return of illegally acquired assets located both on the territory of the country and abroad, stimulating the voluntary return of assets, as well as eliminating conditions that contributed to their illegal acquisition and withdrawal. An interdepartmental commission has been established to counteract the illegal concentration of economic resources. An Asset Recovery Committee has been formed in the structure of the Prosecutor General's Office, a special commission operates under the Government, and a company for the management of returned assets has been established. A register of oligopoly entities subject to this Law has been formed. The asset recovery process, the contours of which are laid down in the Law, complies with the fundamental international standards in this area. According to the results of the work carried out under the leadership of Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov, agreements and lawsuits on the return of assets worth over 325 billion tenge to the state, including funds in the amount of 272 billion tenge, were approved. According to the Chairman of the Asset Recovery Committee, the state has also transferred property in the country and abroad in the amount of over 50 billion tenge. In a short period of time, the Committee has managed to establish and strengthen links with all key international organizations and priority jurisdictions. Cooperation has been established with the initiative of UNODC and the World Bank on the return of stolen assets. Thanks to the joint efforts of law enforcement (Antikor, AFM) special and authorized state bodies, in 2022-2023 it was possible to return assets worth about 1.5 trillion tenge to the state. Money, including from the sale of returned property, is accumulated and spent from a Special state fund to finance social and economic projects in the country. Part of the funds went to the Education Infrastructure Support Fund, they financed the construction of 82 schools for 46 thousand students for a total amount of 134 billion tenge. 37 schools for 24.8 thousand students have been put into operation. Another 25 schools will be put into operation by the end of 2024.

This is only part of the most important areas of activity in the five years since the inauguration of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. I repeat, everything cannot be counted, and we quickly get used to the good, forgetting how difficult it all was. And society looks at everything that has been done, at everything – with a positive attitude towards the future.

I note for myself that all this is still being done for our and future generations, for the future of our children, so that they live in a society where the rule of law and human rights, law and order, where the principles of equality, justice and other values listed by the President of Kazakhstan at the National Kurultai have become an immutable axiom of our life and a reality in the future.
We wish the President of Kazakhstan further successful work for the benefit of our country, for the benefit of our people of Kazakhstan!