
The conceptual foundations of the political course of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

I. What is the essence of a Fair Kazakhstan?

In the field of domestic policy, information agendas always quickly replace each other. At some point, the discussion focused on political reforms, elections, personnel appointments, then countering family violence, fighting floods.

However, despite the fact that all structures of the state apparatus are focused on solving current problems, at the same time, a lot of work continues to promote the main course of state policy.

The ideological platform of the country at a new stage of development was formulated by President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in his keynote speech in March, at the third meeting of the National Kurultai in Atyrau. This ideology is based on such a universal concept as "Justice". Accordingly, the key ideology of the ongoing state course is "Fair Kazakhstan".

"Fair Kazakhstan" is both the core of the state ideology and the goal of state policy, as well as the image of the future for the public consciousness. The idea of a "Fair Kazakhstan" did not arise yesterday or in the last 2-3 years, as it may seem. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has been guided by the fundamental principles of justice since the first days of his presidency.

Back in his first speech upon taking office as President, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said: "At this important moment in the development of our state, the whole society should rally around the idea of further building a prosperous, democratic, just Kazakhstan."

Subsequently, in his election platforms for the 2019 and 2022 presidential elections, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev identified "justice" as a key principle of his policy. After the tragic events of January, the idea of building a just state became an ideological dominant not only in public policy, but also in the whole society.

The idea of justice coincided with the request of society and the vision of the state. In this sense, "Fair Kazakhstan" has become a consolidating idea. It is worth clarifying the semantic meaning of the terms "justice" and "just state" separately. Justice is not a universal equalization at all. Justice is, first of all, the equal distribution of rights and responsibilities. It is precisely this interpretation and understanding of the concept of "justice" that is a cross-cutting theme of all areas of reform.

Therefore, the idea of justice has formed the basis of many specific government decisions in recent years. For example, as part of the constitutional reform of 2022, the Basic Law enshrined the right of ownership of the people to land and its subsoil, fauna and flora, and other natural resources. In practice, this principle has been implemented through the National Fund for Children program, according to which now half of the annual investment income of the National Fund is distributed to special savings accounts of children.

As examples of the practical implementation of the principles of justice, one can also name the return to the country of illegally obtained assets totaling over 1 trillion tenge, the return to state ownership of more than 5 million hectares of unused land, as well as the creation of the public fund "Kazakhstan Khalkyna" and the annual transfer to its accounts of at least 7% of the net income of the fund "Samruk-Kazyna."

In other words, a Just Kazakhstan is not an artificial construct of power, as some may rashly assume, but the ideological core of the President's strategic course. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has repeatedly stressed that he sees his main mission in building a Just Kazakhstan. The whole complex of systemic reforms in the political, economic and socio-cultural spheres is primarily focused on achieving this strategic goal. This is precisely the President's deep plan for the cardinal and synchronous modernization of our country.

II. A new ideological platform

The policy of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, implemented since 2019, which received its ideological formalization in the concept of "Fair Kazakhstan", is based on five basic concepts. All of them were put forward by the Head of State at different times and gradually introduced into political practice.

The first concept "different opinions – one nation" answers the question "WHAT is Justice and a Just Kazakhstan?". It is about finding and developing mutually acceptable solutions based on an equal and constructive discussion. The principle of equality is very important in building a Just Kazakhstan, in which every citizen, regardless of social, ethnic, linguistic and religious affiliation, has equal rights and opportunities to realize their personal potential.

On the basis of the second concept, the "hearing state", it is determined HOW Justice should be established – through effective feedback from the population.

At the same time, the essence of the "hearing state" lies not only in the prompt and effective solution of citizens' problems, but also in the fact that balanced consolidated decisions are made on all key issues of the country's development, taking into account a wide range of public opinion. The most striking example of a "listening state" in action is the referendum on amending the Constitution.

The third concept, "Law and Order", defines the choice of methods and means of establishing justice, that is, it answers the question "HOW is Justice established?". Strict observance of the rule of law, equality of all before the law and, most importantly, the inevitability of punishment are mandatory conditions for the establishment of justice in society. Practical implementation is very important here. This is especially true of high-profile cases of countering domestic violence and fighting corruption. The inevitability of punishment for crimes is not only a demonstration of the principle of fair justice, but also an indicator of public confidence in the judicial system and the state as a whole.

At the same time, it must be understood that ensuring law and order is not only the task of the state. It is necessary that the citizens themselves consistently participate in the establishment of the principle of "Law and Order" in our society.

The fourth concept, "a strong President – an influential Parliament – an accountable Government", sets the institutional framework for a Fair Kazakhstan, that is, answers the question "WHAT should a fair Kazakhstan be like?".

Four packages of political reforms in 2019-2021 and the program of political modernization in 2022 were aimed at the practical implementation of this concept. As a result, over the years, a new institutional design of the state structure has been formed with an optimal balance between the branches of government.

And the fifth concept, "Adal Azamat", defines the visible contours of the spiritual and moral development of our society and the further evolution of civil society, answering the question "WHO forms a Just Kazakhstan?".

As the Head of State stressed, "Adal Azamat" is a person with the best qualities, who works hard and achieves well–deserved success, putting honesty and justice above all else.

Speaking about the ideological platform, it should be emphasized that here we are not talking about the total or artificial planting of some propaganda dogmas, but about the cultivation of consolidating and real values that form the spiritual unity of our society.

In general, the ideological platform proposed by the Head of State sets an urgent agenda for all key areas of further comprehensive modernization of the country.

III. The irreversibility of change

Quite often, in various publications and comments, the question is raised: "Where are the results of the reforms, where are the promised changes? Where is your New Kazakhstan?"

Firstly, changes do not happen overnight, it is impossible to suddenly wake up in another country. The implementation of reforms requires enormous efforts and time, which, for an ordinary observer who is not immersed in all the complexities and nuances, often seems unreasonably long. But changes are happening. Any reform is a painstaking and difficult job. And no matter what anyone says, Kazakhstan continues to follow the path of reform.

Secondly, in our country over the past five years, there have been not just some local transformations, but fundamental systemic changes in many areas.

Judge for yourself – in just three years, the entire political system has been completely reformatted. As a result of the political reforms of 2019-2021, culminating in the constitutional reform of 2022, the status and role of state institutions in the country have significantly strengthened. The Constitutional Court has started its work, the powers of the President have been reduced with the simultaneous expansion of the powers of Parliament, a mixed electoral system has been introduced, and the procedure for registering parties has been simplified. For the first time, direct election of rural akims has been introduced. Following the results of the elections in 2021-2023, the corps of mayors of rural districts was updated by two thirds. Last year, for the first time, elections of mayors of districts and cities of regional significance were held in a pilot mode, which will be held on an ongoing basis from 2025. Moreover, the reforms have become not only a unique experience for the political practice of Kazakhstan, but also an innovation for the wider geopolitical environment, launching a new trend in the region.

Thirdly, important transformations in the economic, social and humanitarian spheres are being implemented in parallel with political reforms.

Important initiatives and specific projects aimed at improving the well-being of citizens are being implemented. The results of this systematic and comprehensive work are already visible. The minimum wage has more than doubled, which has had a positive impact on the incomes of about 1.8 million citizens. The status and prestige of teachers, doctors, and scientists have been increased, their social protection has been significantly strengthened and salaries have been increased.
At the initiative of the Head of State, the possibility of withdrawing part of pension savings to improve housing conditions and treatment has been introduced, which has already been used by about one million citizens. The implementation of large-scale national infrastructure projects "Comfortable School" and "Modernization of rural healthcare" is in full swing, within the framework of which hundreds of schools and medical facilities are being built in all regions of the country.

But most importantly, the reforms have irrevocably changed the nature of public relations, the political mentality of the nation has changed, civic engagement has increased, the degree of civic participation and solidarity has increased, public opinion has become a significant element of political life. And these changes in political culture are already irreversible.

Thus, drastic changes have taken place in the country and continue to take place, systemic reforms are being implemented, and they can no longer be stopped.

IV. The new public ethics

Large-scale reforms in politics and economics will not bring results unless outdated stereotypes and complexes in the public consciousness and behavioral models of people are eliminated. Archaic and progress are incompatible.

For example, focusing on the wishes of the public, a mixed system of electability of deputies of the Mazhilis and maslikhats was introduced in 2022. Unfortunately, in practice, the elections in some single-member districts were accompanied, along with positive, and a number of negative aspects. I will be honest, in a number of districts we have witnessed not at all a political struggle in the form of free competition of programs and ideas. Tribalism came to the fore there, and in some cases attempts were even made by criminal elements to gain power.

It is absolutely clear that it is impossible to build a just society without the formation of a new political culture, without updating social ethics based on creative values. Therefore, in his Atyrau speech, the President formulated a list of basic national values:

– Independence and Patriotism;

– Unity and Solidarity;

– Justice and Responsibility;

– Law and Order;

– Hard work and Professionalism;

– Creation and Innovation.

The Head of State gave the national values a conceptual structure, brought them into a single system of ideological guidelines, following which will help to form a new quality of the nation.

Therefore, this ideological and humanitarian platform should become a key vector of all areas of domestic policy: educational, educational, cultural and educational work.

In order to implement the initiatives of the Kurultai, a comprehensive plan consisting of 40 points was adopted. As part of this plan, nine laws are expected to be adopted by the end of the year, three of which, by the way, have already been adopted by Parliament and signed by the President, and a comprehensive plan to combat illegal gambling and ludomania will soon be approved. It also provides for the development of other conceptual documents, specific projects and activities.

In general, the progressive and methodical promotion of a system of national values, unlike standard propaganda, although it does not bring an instant effect, is more effective in a strategic perspective.

A new value matrix should be formed through the everyday actions of each member of society, through the elements of everyday life. That is why the government is actively promoting the environmental campaign "Taza Kazakhstan". Many people have probably noticed for a long time that the Head of State speaks about the importance of this nationwide campaign in almost every public speech. Because the renewal of the country begins, elementary, with the cleanliness of our own entrances, courtyards and streets, with a change in the culture of behavior of each of us.

Thus, the formation of a new social ethics is a necessary key condition for the progressive development of the country, so that the ongoing reforms become progressive.

V. Redline of public discussions

Due to objective reasons, such as, for example, the openness of our society, the deepening of economic reforms, the intensive development of new forms of communication, the structure of society is constantly evolving. The socio-political space is expanding and becoming more complex: new strata, social groups and subcultures are emerging, and the palette of political and ideological views is becoming more and more mosaic.

Today in our society there are adherents of different political views: liberals, socialists, conservatives, rightists, leftists, centrists. They all profess different political ideals and values. Therefore, it is important, along with the development of pluralism, for all of us to focus primarily on common national interests.

Here it is necessary to avoid not only some, say, destructive actions, but even any provocative, conflicting rhetoric. Unfortunately, there are examples when individual individuals, sometimes even not quite adequate, try to manipulate public opinion by aggressively imposing their subjective, biased point of view on the majority.

In public discussions, the so–called "red line" should be designated - the redline, beyond which carries risks to public stability and contradicts the national interests of the country. Red lines are not taboos, censorship, or a ban on discussing certain topics and issues. This is a call for correctness and restraint in political discussions.

All participants in the public field, especially public figures, the media, bloggers, and civil society activists, should not allow any kind of split in society and escalation of conflict on such sensitive topics for our society as:

– interethnic relations and the language issue;

– religious relations;

– foreign policy issues.

On these issues, our society has a sound understanding of the inadmissibility of confrontational rhetoric, harsh, emotional statements. Discussions are possible here only of a professional nature, exclusively in the circle of specialized specialists and experts.

The state will strictly suppress any attempts aimed at rocking and splitting our society, while acting strictly in the legal field. The main principle here is the "unacceptability of extremes". We are for spirituality, but against fanaticism and obscurantism, for patriotism, but against xenophobia and nationalism, for liberalism, but against permissiveness and nihilism. All citizens, especially those involved in socio-political life, regardless of their political views and preferences, should put the national interests, preservation and strengthening of statehood above all else.

VI. Constant dialogue between the government and society

Ensuring social stability has been and remains the main priority of the State in the field of domestic policy. Including through the preservation of national unity, civil peace, interethnic and interfaith harmony.

Work in the field of domestic politics requires a constant search for new methods, new tools, forms and mechanisms to build points of social consolidation and ensure domestic political stability.

There is a widespread opinion that domestic politics is a set of political technologies and propaganda. This is a profound misconception. All these are just related tools. No political technologies can replace direct concrete work with people. Domestic policy is, first of all, direct work with the population. You just need to talk to people, maintain a constant dialogue. At the same time, it is important not to fall into the mistake of perceiving the most vociferous as the only representatives of public opinion. We need not just a dialogue, but a constructive, meaningful, creative dialogue. Therefore, for the state apparatus today, the ability to constantly maintain direct communication with all social groups and subjects of the civil sector comes to the fore.

VII. A new hardening of the state apparatus

Now civil servants have to work in completely new conditions. On the one hand, there are growing demands on them from the state – both qualification, procedural, normative and even moral and behavioral. On the other hand, citizens have also become more demanding of civil servants. State institutions are becoming more open, and civil servants of various levels are more likely to speak publicly to highlight and explain their activities.

As a result, there are changes in the behavioral model within the state apparatus, the decision-making process becomes more transparent and effective. This was especially noticeable during the recent floods.

All emergency, special services and local akimats worked around the clock in an emergency situation. Several operational meetings were held at the level of the Head of State and the Government. The President flew to the most affected regions to personally monitor the situation on the ground. It should be noted that all these years the Head of State has always tried to be with his fellow citizens at such moments, to support them in difficult times. The most important task of the state is to protect and save people's lives. Therefore, all forces were mobilized primarily to evacuate the population. As a result, over the entire period of large-scale floods, rescuers evacuated more than 119 thousand people, including more than 44 thousand children.

The government has once again demonstrated that in emergency situations it does not lose its initiative, promptly and adequately responds to the prevailing situation. At the same time, being inherently a multitasking system, the state continues to continuously fulfill all its daily obligations, simultaneously solving a variety of issues, from ensuring national security to the improvement of settlements.
Thus, the state apparatus acquires very important experience in working in new conditions, while simultaneously solving topical issues and implementing large-scale reforms in all spheres of society. And the hardening of the state apparatus gained in the course of solving current issues will undoubtedly help the successful fulfillment of the tasks set by the Head of State for the comprehensive modernization of the country.

VIII. Creative agenda

Some people think that at one time we declared independence, defined borders, created state institutions, a legislative framework – which means that the political mission of the nation has long been fulfilled. No, now we are faced with the task of protecting our Independence, developing our state and increasing its power, and improving the well-being of our citizens. Therefore, the main content of the internal agenda is the preservation and strengthening of our identity and our way of life. This is what distinguishes us from other countries, other peoples, and other cultures. These are our historical roots, the peculiarities of our mentality, our polyethnicity and multilingualism, the diversity of cultures and religious tolerance, our ability to find a common language with each other, our inherent mutual support and solidarity. All this together makes up our Kazakh way of life.

In other words, as a progressive nation, it is important for us to always and in everything follow our own strategic course, firmly and consistently defend our national interests and our way of life. We do not need to be led to provocations and information stuffing from the outside, we do not need to follow other people's information and ideological agendas, we need to focus only on our internal agenda. And this agenda is not directed "against someone or something", but "for the sake" and "for the good". This is its creativity, focus on development, modernization and reform.

President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has repeatedly stressed the principle of following his agenda and his national interests. For example, during a recent visit to Singapore, the Head of State delivered a special lecture in which he emphasized that our country is open to interaction with the whole world, but we will never hesitate to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Kazakhstan. The President stressed that the neutrality of our country is a conscious choice in favor of diplomacy and dialogue, not conflict and coercion.

Kazakhstan does not build its domestic and foreign policy to please anyone or any trends. We are guided by our own development agenda, primarily by our national interests. There is no place for sentiment and naivety in the world of global politics. The opinion that the policy of multi–vector or neutrality is the simplest and most convenient is a myth and amateurism. The balanced multi-vector policy pursued by Kazakhstan involves enormous efforts and is incredibly difficult, especially now, when the polarization of the world is rapidly increasing. Clearly, such a policy is not easy. But this is the most optimal course, taking into account our geopolitical location and the interests of the country.

Therefore, in such difficult conditions, it is important for us to maintain internal unity and social consolidation based solely on the protection of national interests and the promotion of our own agenda.
