Observing in recent days how the global community criticizes the USAID Agency and the shocked state of the vast network of NGOs worldwide, we would like to note:
This is not the first time that with a wave of a ruling opinion, white becomes black and vice versa. All visibly. As if everyone has suddenly seen the truth.
From the first days of its Independence, Kazakhstan provided USAID with the broadest opportunities for project activities. Not for a single day was the agency's activity interrupted; we did not interfere in financial matters and did not set limits on the size and scope of projects.
Even when not entirely agreeing with their approaches and policies and their obvious interference in the political space of our country, we nevertheless did not restrict their mandate.
Over the years, we adopted the best USAID has to offer—its expert and analytical experience, high qualification. Together, we have created dozens of wonderful and fruitful projects. To cite just one example: with USAID grant support, an excellent guidebook for foreign investors in the Green Energy Sector in Kazakhstan was created in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today, thanks to this work, we have one of the world’s clearest legislations in this field for foreign audiences. This helps attract numerous investments to our country.
It's also crucial to note that USAID helped many categories of public figures in our country during the difficult early '90s, even down to providing food packages.
Later, standing on our own feet, we created our own agency, KazAid, which, using the best practices, helps the poorest countries.
We also wish to emphasize: many worldwide benchmarked USAID as a model of advanced approaches in development assistance. It's not right to destroy development AID as a phenomenon, especially on the scale of such a large country.
Dear colleagues at USAID!
Adventurers of expeditions, countries, and borders. Hang in there! We hope you survive and don't perish in the storm of political upheavals. Your experience and dedicated work are worth a lot. The good part of it.
Best regards,
Dr. Usen Suleimen
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Director of the «National Endowment for Prosperity» Public Foundation, Kazakhstan